Win The Battle For Eyeballs To Grow Your Business

[smart_track_player url=”″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 231 Win The Battle For Eyeballs mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]


“The battle is won before you even set foot on the field”


The RESULT and IMPACT of your business is determined before the launch, before the month starts, and even before the year begins. It starts with what you do everyday.


You need to have a strategy in place to continue to get that attention from potential buyers consistently. In this day and age, anyone with a computer or cell phone can have a business and with that comes some struggles to keep people’s eyes on your business and keep them from turning the other direction.


In this episode we are breaking down the 6 strategies to to win the battle and get people looking at you!


Here is a quick overview on those key 6 strategies, plus a bonus 7th:

  1. Frequency–how often you are staying in front of your audience
  2. Making an impact and giving value to the content you are sharing
  3. Having consistency with your product or business. When you continue to change your business, it causes confusion in your audience
  4. The content you are putting out needs to be relevant and timely to your audience but also to what is happening in the world
  5. Make it interesting, funny or engaging! Put your own personal spin on the content you are talking about
  6. Distribute! Distribute! Distribute! Share the content all over, put it in front of your audience
  7. Make the audience feel like they matter! Bring them together and create a community they want to be apart of!



An audience starts with just one person. It builds one by one. Find your niche and use your celebrity to generate the eyes looking at your business!



Looking to learn how to build your audience, do traction marketing get started with attraction marketing, and make effective, premium sales that will lead to massive, rapid sales growth in your business? Text CELEBRITY to 44222 to access The Engineer Your Celebrity Training Sequence!



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