What’s On Your Cheat Sheet?

Precious Time Concept ClockCreate a Cheat Sheet! That’s right, a cheat sheet. Everyone is completely stretched and we could all use something to ease our path. When I say cheat sheet, I mean a list of actions you can take related to all your big picture goals broken down into 5, 10, 15 or 30 minute chunks.

If you want this year to be transformational for you, you need to commit to using your time in the best way possible every day no matter how big or small the action, goal or time frame.

We waste precious moments that could literally be the catalysts for making our dreams come true because there is not enough time to make significant progress in one sitting.

News flash! It’s never going to get easier, there is never going to be more time and life is going to continue getting busier and busier. SO if you are serious about making 2015 your best year ever, it’s time to rethink how you use your time.

This cheat sheet strategy has helped me to juggle a multitude of priorities at once with BIG PAYOFFS in my life and it can be transformational for you too!

The little things truly are the big things and sometimes it’s easy to choose not to do something because it’s not perfect or ideal or even significant enough.

The truth is that every big goal is just a series of very small actions compounded to create a big pay-off… this is why a cheat sheet can be so beneficial!

If you dream big but focus on doing the right small stuff every day, you will see ongoing progress and payoff.

The biggest area that I help my clients do this is through sales and marketing. Most people are so busy working in their business that they don’t create the visibility, lead generation and client acquisition needed to achieve their goals. Take a few minutes now and list all the actions you can take to grow your profit and income this year in small chunks of time that are realistic for you!

Not sure how or where to get started? I would love to help you create your personalized cheat sheet for making this your best year ever! Simply apply for your fee 30 minute session with me at www.www.thebusinessadvisory.com/start.

For more business-building strategies, check out my podcast, Unstoppable Success Radio!