[smart_track_player url=”https://www.thebusinessadvisory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/USR-345-Bullet-Proof-Your-Business-_mixdown.mp3″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 345 Bullet-Proof Your Business _mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]   Things change faster than the blink of an eye in the online world – with updates, algorithm changes, new platforms and more keeping us on our toes.   Your role as a business owner is to “bulletproof” your business from these changes. […]

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[smart_track_player url=”https://www.thebusinessadvisory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/USR-344-Fall-Back-In-Love-With-Your-Biz_mixdown.mp3″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 344 Fall Back In Love With Your Biz_mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]   Getting started on your entrepreneurship journey means not always expecting the bumps and chaos that come along for the ride — but I want to challenge you to have FUN with the unexpected!   Break the rules, do something […]

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[smart_track_player url=”https://www.thebusinessadvisory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/USR-343-Kim-Ades_mixdown.mp3″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 343 Kim Ades mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]   You’ve heard it a million times (and you might roll your eyes at it): MINDSET.   What today’s episode will do is encourage you to do is specifically to switch from a tactical mindset to a strategic mindset — so you can make […]

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[smart_track_player url=”https://www.thebusinessadvisory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/USR-342-Engage_mixdown.mp3″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 342 Engage_mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]   Building a business online can be difficult at times.   Especially when you are putting in all the work to write content, serve your audience, and connect with people but get no interaction. It is the bain of almost every entrepreneur who is running an […]

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[smart_track_player url=”https://www.thebusinessadvisory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/USR-341-Resourcfulness_mixdown.mp3″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 341 Resourcfulness_mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]   Tony Robbins always says it’s never a lack of resources, but a lack of  resourcefulNESS when it comes to success, especially in business.   Being resourceful when it comes your business is going to be a mental and mindset shift that you will have to […]

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[smart_track_player url=”https://www.thebusinessadvisory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/USR-340-Samantha-Peszek-_mixdown.mp3″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 340 Samantha Peszek mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]   It’s all a mental game. Whether it’s winning an Olympic medal or creating your own business.   That is how Olympic medalist, founder of Beam Queen Boot Camp, and NCAA Champion Samantha Peszek describes not only winning in sport but also in starting […]

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[smart_track_player url=”https://www.thebusinessadvisory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/USR-399-Impact-Report_mixdown.mp3″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 399 Impact Report_mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]     How do you stay present and grateful in your life?   One of my family’s favorite ways is by working together to give back… which is why we release The Impact Report updates on this show. I hope this inspires you to do […]

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[smart_track_player url=”https://www.thebusinessadvisory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/USR-337-Susie-Moore_mixdown.mp3″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 337 Susie Moore mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]   Many companies start out in this world as side hustles.   We know that one idea has the potential to blossom into something amazing – but it’s the step in between that we aren’t often considering.   At the beginning, we think about […]

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[smart_track_player url=”https://www.thebusinessadvisory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/USR-336-5-Things-to-Improve-Your-Health_mixdown.mp3″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 336 5 Things to Improve Your Health_mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]   How many of us have a new year’s resolution to get healthy?   Probably most people, but honestly the hardest part is finding the time to take action on doing those things to BECOME healthy. We have work, kids, friends, […]

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[smart_track_player url=”https://www.thebusinessadvisory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/USR-335-Make-More-Do-Less_mixdown-1.mp3″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 335 Make More, Do Less_mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]   The new year is now in full swing, bringing with it a fresh energy and focus — and big goals to accomplish.   While I highly recommend setting goals for yourself, it’s just as easy to overcommit. That is why I am bringing […]

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[smart_track_player url=”https://www.thebusinessadvisory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/USR-334-Kelsey-Chapman_mixdown.mp3″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 334 Kelsey Chapman mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]   Instagram has been one of the hottest social media platforms recently.   How can you use it to its full advantage? What should you post on Instagram stories?   Kelsey Chapman is an entrepreneur, blogger, and Instagram expert whose mission is to help […]

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[smart_track_player url=”https://www.thebusinessadvisory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/USr-333-Pircing_mixdown.mp3″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USr 333 Pircing_mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”] Your pricing determines so much in your business: your positioning, the number of clients you can take on, where your income will land for the year, and more.   One common mistake I see with entrepreneurs is greatly undercharging for their products or services or lowering […]

Read More… from Competing On Price Will Destroy Your Brand And Your Business

[smart_track_player url=”https://www.thebusinessadvisory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/USR-332-Work-In-the-Winter-to-Play-in-the-Summer_mixdown.mp3″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 332 Work In the Winter to Play in the Summer_mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]   “Winter is coming” – Jon Snow, Game of Thrones   Temperatures are dropping here in Pennsylvania and trust me when I say I’m not a fan of winter. However, this season is the PERFECT time to buckle […]

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[smart_track_player url=”https://www.thebusinessadvisory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/USR-331-Christian_mixdown.mp3″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 331 Christian mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]   What do you think is more likely to close a sale?   Automated message or a personal phone call? If you picked B, then you have come to the right place!   In today’s episode we are talking to CEO of Christian Mickelsen and […]

Read More… from From Automation to Conversations to CASH with Christian Mickelsen

[smart_track_player url=”https://www.thebusinessadvisory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/USR-330-2018-Priotrities-_mixdown.mp3″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 330 2018 Priotrities _mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]   By a show of hands, who has made their new year’s resolutions list? How about for your business?   Building your audience should be at the very top. Trends and automation change often, which means you’ve got to create a group of raving […]

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