Job Satisfaction is More Important Than You Think

Just-Do-It-224x300Job satisfaction affects more than just your mental health.

I read some shocking research the other day. Scientists have recently discovered a significant difference between individuals who suffer a heart attack and die versus those who survive.

Can you guess the difference?

Yep, Job Satisfaction.

How you feel about your career, your life purpose and the path you are on can literally determine if you will live or die.

Life is short. Time flies and the older you get the faster it seems to disappear. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to splash some water on your face and honestly ask yourself which category you fall into.

There’s no faking it. Your body and mind already know how you feel, regardless of what you tell yourself or others on a daily basis.

Here’s the cold, hard truth. Fulfillment has a price. Happiness is by design. Finding work that is both fulfilling and financially rewarding takes thought, time and attention. Yes, it takes work, just like anything that is worthwhile in life.

But, waking up every day feeling 100% job satisfaction can play a major role
in your happiness and overall wellbeing.

So it’s time to take stock and get into ACTION. Times have changed. Most people can’t afford to simply quit their job. We have responsibilities that do not permit us the freedom to make a radical career move that could shake our family’s financial stability. That’s why I and so many others have started our dream businesses while working full time. This is the level of dedication that is required.

So if you are currently working full time, but have a bigger dream, a higher calling, a greater purpose that you just can’t ignore, you may want to check out my Freedom Shift program. Learn more here

This program is designed specifically for executives that are working full time, but want to start and grow a profitable business as they go. Life is too short to waste another moment being unfulfilled and discontent with your life’s work, which can and should be a labor of love. Your moment is now. 2014 is your year. Go to and apply for a totally free, no strings attached, strategy session to get a game plan together that will get you started right away.

In the meantime, here are a few recommendations to get you moving in right direction.

  1. Assess your best skill set and what brings you the greatest fulfillment.
  2. Research ways to monetize that passion and look for companies or individuals currently working that niche or model successfully.
  3. Put yourself in front of the target market that would be interested in paying for this product or service.
  4. Start making an offer to serve.

Yes, it can be that easy. You don’t need to spend years planning or preparing. Take action today. Get started immediately, then refine and perfect your approach as you go. Good luck!

For more business-building strategies and wellbeing shifts, check out my hit podcast,
Unstoppable Success Radio!