Instagram Stories for Profit with Kelsey Chapman

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Instagram has been one of the hottest social media platforms recently.


How can you use it to its full advantage? What should you post on Instagram stories?


Kelsey Chapman is an entrepreneur, blogger, and Instagram expert whose mission is to help more people make a deeper connection with their clients. Kelsey is breaking down how she supports her audience and customers through her Instagram stories.


If you’ve had questions about how, why, when, and what to post when it comes to Instagram and specifically, instagram stories, you’ll be excited to hear that Kelsey’s best advice is to NOT aim for ‘perfect.’


(4:35) “My clients always come to me, either they have been sent my way from a trusted friend or referal OR they’ve heard me. They feel like they know me, they feel like what I am releasing into the world is a fit for them. It came down to serving them with excellent free content that could just continue to build that trust. I really wanted to start of 2018 in alignment with what felt life giving to me verses draining.”


(8:34) “I have moved on too. Instead of posting every single day on Instagram, while Instagram is my niche and my thing, I just pop in stories because I don’t feel as much pressure to be perfect in stories. So if I don’t have anything grand to post on Instagram that day, then you know what? I can be totally unpolished on stories. I am still visible and still there.”


(14:36) “Your audience is actually curious about the behind the scenes of your life. They want to know what you’re cooking what you’re eating, how your friends are, what you are talking about day to day. That sounds so unprofessional but I like to say, your feed where you post your photos is the gloss of your business….Your post stay forever but your stories don’t. You can be a little more unpolished and go behind the scenes”


Connect with Kelsey Chapman:


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