Increase Productivity in Your Business

Increase Productivity in Your Business

In this blog post, you’re going to learn ways to increase productivity in your business.

I think most of us can agree that when we think about how much time we have in our everyday, we come to the consensus that we don’t have enough time to get those tactical to-dos done.

We say to ourselves, “I don’t have enough time,”, “Life is too complicated,”, “There just isn’t enough space for me to follow my passion, live my dreams and accomplish everything that matters to me,”

The truth is, we waste too much time in a day and or week on technology, things that don’t contribute to our goals and are time wasters.

I get it, we’ve all been there.

It can be particularly stressful if you’re growing a business because it feels like everything is urgent and monumental

As small business owners, you have to determine these few things…

  • Where and how are you going to determine what’s most important?
  • What do you prioritize in your business and life?

As humans, we tend to overcomplicate, dramatize, and put our focus elsewhere.

We begin to not focus on putting our time in the right places and not maximizing the time that we do have because we are so busy.

I’m here to hold you accountable and get you to hold yourself accountable to eliminate those wasted minutes.

Are there small increments throughout your day that take away 5-10 minutes? Is it checking social media, your email or having more than one screen open on your laptop?

Just by getting disciplined and eliminating those things, you can tighten your focus and begin to increase productivity in your business and life.

You might not be able to sit down and have a half day to record a video but you sure could record a two-minute tip that you could send out to your email list.

I want you to take action and think about these things.

Whether it’s a quick marketing video, following up with a lead, creating social media posts, or placing a phone call, drafting one of these things only takes a few minutes.

If you begin to take those couple of time blocks throughout the day in between calls and meetings, family and other to-dos, these things begin to add up and facilitates progress in your business.

Here’s what I want to challenge you to do

  1. Focus every day on finding minutes that matter
  2. Find a way to take those minutes that would be wasted on other activities and put them to good use to increase productivity!

Challenge yourself today to increase productivity in your business!

Want to learn more? Head to to learn more!

Connect with Kelly:

How To Increase Productivity

Reach out to my team with general inquiries, requests for strategy sessions, and overall support by emailing [email protected]

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