how to improve your business

How to Improve Your Business

Are your old business strategies no longer achieving the success they once did? 2017 is a new day in age for business and the old strategies that used to work are no longer quite as successful. Today I have 3 key ingredients for success in 2017 that will help you to learn how to improve your business and achieve unstoppable success.

Whole industries can be made and destroyed at the blink of an eye! Don’t let your business fail, learn how to improve your business with this 3 step process.


  1.   Engagement

This step is all about your dialogue with your audience. Let’s face it, everyone wants to be at the top of their field and set the bar for their competitors. It’s time to make this dream a reality and propel yourself into that position. In 2017, engagement will be your key strategy in learning how to improve your business.


Takeaway #1: Commit to a new platform

In today’s day and age, social media and livestreaming are everything. In the past year, live videos such as snapchat and periscope have flourished. Customers love to feel the energy of the person on the other side of the brand. Try to utilize effective soundbites such as audio and video and commit to this new engagement platform.

What are the best ways to create engagement?

Top performing client generating mechanisms are webinars, podcasting, and live videos. These areas allow you to engage the most with your clients, creating the best results.


Takeaway #2: Engagement doesn’t have to be expensive

Creating engagement doesn’t always have to be expensive. Live video is a free and easy way to create engagement. Give your customers what they want! What your customers will demand this year is the opportunity to vet you in a public forum. They want to make sure you’re the real deal before buying from you. Put yourself out there in a way that allows you to remove the barrier between you and the customer.


  1.   Visibility

In the past, there have been countless business who have gotten away with relying on referrals or being found on the internet randomly. Those days are in the past, if you want to be seen, you must focus on your visibility.


Takeaway #1: Attention spans have dropped

Anyone and everyone can be a business owner these days. Customer’s attention spans have dropped dramatically. These days, you will only have someone’s attention for 5 seconds on the Internet. You need to create engaging material that will capture their attention for even longer.


Takeaway #2: Invest not only your time, but money

You need to employ a specific paid strategy for advertising your business. You need to start driving traffic and visibility to your business. There are many cost-effective ways to do this; use a tested and verified strategy. Some of these strategies include Facebook marketing, Twitter messaging campaigns, LinkedIn campaigns, and YouTube videos. Advertising will put money back in your pocket, you can’t be afraid to invest!


  1.   Kick-butt offer

I deal with entrepreneurs from all over the world daily and across the board, this is an area that needs improvement.


Takeaway #1: Be confident and have certainty

There is no room for uncertainty in your message. You need to show people that your product is the best out there and make people want to invest. Don’t let people go to your competitor. Revisit the centerpiece of what it is that you will do for people. What is the result you will get for people? Show them that there is no other option for them.


Takeaway #2: Effectively communicate your brand offer

You need to work on effectively communicating your brand offer. Revisit your level of certainty and effectiveness. Get clear on your one sentence that stays with your brand and clarifies how you will help people.


Looking for more ways to learn how to improve your business? Visit to learn about The Unstoppable Entrepreneurs Program. It is my #1 training, coaching, and mastermind program that will help you to double your income in 12 months.

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