How to Attract Customers Online - New Customer Acquisition Strategies

How to Attract Customers Online: Build Your Platform!

Learning how to attract customers online is easier than you may think? Why is it so important?

Here’s why: you may have a great product, but without the right platform with new customer acquisition strategies, you may never reach your intended audience. You have loved ones to support, bills to pay, and maybe even a dream vacation to fund, don’t let your platform allow your sales to suffer.



To build a platform where YOU speak and people listen let us first consider why we subscribe to someone’s content in the first place. Here are 3 common reasons for following someone:

  1.    People follow because they want to engage
  2.    They follow because they want to know the person
  3.    They buy from people they like or want to be like


If you want to figure out new customer acquisition strategies, become a person that people want to follow with this 4 step process:


Put yourself in the SPOTLIGHT

Visibility is everything in business and step in the ‘how to attract customers online’ process. Whoever is at the front of the room automatically has the credibility and authority; put yourself out there!

Quick tip: This can be as simple as starting to book yourself on other podcasts as a guest expert (one hour per week of outreach to hosts is not a big time commitment and you can easily have a member of your team do this or bring on an intern to do so!) or start going live on Facebook Live a few times a month, cementing your credibility and authority. Find new customer acquisition strategies that you can use to get more visibility. This is your testing stage, where you can try a few things and determine which you prefer and which is most effective.

After all – you ARE the knowledge source for the people you’re trying to reach. Make it easy for them to hear from you!


Find the platform and mechanism that works for you when finding new customer acquisition strategies

There are a variety of platforms you can use when learning how to attract customers online, find the one(s) that are the best fit for you and your business. Create new customer acquisition strategies by thinking of your target audience and what kind of customers you are aiming to attract. Here are some key platforms you can utilize:

–      Speaking

–      Live streaming

–      Hosting Google Hangouts or Twitter chats

–      Podcasting

–      Webinars

–      Become an author


I would encourage you to to track your efforts and their results. The point of building your platform is not to spend all of your time doing every single thing – find out what works, and do more of it. By having a list of new customer acquisition strategies, you can continue to figure out what works. When perfecting how to attract customers to you, you want to make sure you aren’t just adding time wasters into your schedule every week or even every day.

I’ll give you a perfect example of how I determined how to attract customers in a leveraged, strategic way: you can use new customer acquisition strategies such as hosting my podcast and being a guest on other people’s podcasts very quickly proved to be a source of new client growth for me. This has had a bigger impact on my revenue than blogging, so I spend the blocks I have on content creation on creating new episodes for the show first, and work with my team on the blogging process so that it is not the same time commitment on my own calendar.

Again, the majority of your time needs to be spent on what will bring the biggest impact – yes, you want to enjoy what you’re doing, but you’re also in business to make money. Combine enjoyment with ROI!


Don’t be overwhelmed! Just get started!

Before choosing your platform, evaluate the pro’s and con’s of each one to find the best fit. Just pick, commit, and follow through.

Plan your calendar on Sunday nights, and dedicate a space each week to your platform. Have as little 15 minutes on Tuesday nights? Great! Hop on Facebook Live and do a quick training. Leverage the pockets of your spare time and you’ll find that boosting your presence and authority doesn’t need to be overwhelming.

One other note here – Imposter Syndrome is what creeps up on us right as we’ve built up the courage to take action. One popular example is doubting yourself as an expert and an authority when you begin to think about speaking engagements or doing interviews.

You got into business because you had a message, a passion, and wanted to make a difference – whether that’s your clients, your community, or the World at large. Don’t let limiting beliefs be the reason you never share your message. I can guarantee you someone, right now, needs to hear it.


Repurpose your old content

Repurposing is critical for every piece of content. Your goal is to get it in 10 different places and create evergreen promotional opportunities to leverage over and over again.

Think about this: Do you want to do all this work for 100 people, 1,000 people, or 10,000 people to see?

I would guess it is the largest of those numbers. Take a look at what you already have. This blog post you are reading can easily be turned into a video, a Facebook Live topic, sent out in a newsletter, loaded into our social media rotation, sent to a prospect who is looking for information on this topic, turned into a podcast episode, posted to a LinkedIn group… see where I’m going with this? You have to learn how to attract customers online!

All in all, I encourage you to work smarter, not harder. Take these new customer acquisition strategies and start building your platform and engineering your celebrity does not need to be an overwhelming, difficult task.


In fact, you can get started right now with a full training on how to attract customers online – with detail, action steps, and a road map to getting up and running sooner rather than later.


My free video training, “Engineer Your Celebrity” is exactly that – your guide to establishing your authority and creating your own celebrity presence so you can use new customer acquisition strategies. You don’t need a huge email list or a million Twitter followers to get started, and I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised to see just how easy it is once you learn how to attract customers online.




Once you sign up for that training, you’ll instantly get the training right in your inbox. I’ve even included a few bonuses, too! Get started with your new customer acquisition strategies and learn how to attract customers online.




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Video: How to Attract Customers



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