Gaining Qualified Leads

Gaining Qualified Leads in Your Business

In the sales world, you should be proactively going out to qualify prospects, hand selecting who you will invest your time and money in to sell to and start gaining qualified leads in your business.

Increasing the number of qualified leads  requires you to be crystal clear on who belongs in your sales database and who does not.

(Note: You don’t need to go above 200-300 prospects in your database and once you are at that level, sales becomes less of a question.)

Figure out how many hours per week you will be doing sales and marketing. From there, you can find the right number of prospects for you and your business so you can start gaining qualified leads.

You may be asking yourself, “What should I be looking for in the prospects that I hand select for my database?”

Consider the six pillars of qualifying when you’re in your prospect conversations this week:

  1. Pricing
    • You know what your price point is and where you need to be pricing your services in order to be profitable, sustainable and productive.
    • Consider selecting prospects for your database that can afford what you are offering at the price point you need. But that they see the value in what you do.
    • With this, they will be willing to pay your asking price for the products and services that you are selling.
  2. Historical Buying Decisions
    • Look at those who have paid to work with or buy from worthy competitors in your target market.
    • Remember: COMPETITION IS GOOD! Your prospects’ experiences working with someone else is only going to help you, not hurt you. If you listen, your prospects will give you the key to selling to them.
  3. Decision Making Power
    • Having the money to invest is different from being able to say yes.
    • Just because a prospect has the money to say yes does not mean they are the person to sign on the dotted line, say yes independently or that they have the money to buy from you. It is your job to ask the right questions and find out that information.
    • Authority to say yes and the ability to say yes is different from the ability to afford your product or service. (Think about a midlevel executive vs. the CEO — you want the “yes” from the ultimate decision maker, rather then someone who personally says yes but doesn’t have the authority to move forward.)
  4. Buy Based on Value
    • You’re looking for a prospect that buys based on value, not price.
    • The higher your price your business, the less hours you need to work. But when charging a premium, you need to be able to effectively and clearly the communicate the value of your work and the return they will get.
  5. Scope and Need
    • In your entrepreneurship, you have to offer a scope to your audience and enough of a valuable need. Ask yourself “Does this person or organization have a need for what I am offering? “Can I meet their needs?”
    • It’s not just “Are they willing to spend money with you?” or “Do they have money to spend?” It’s are you able to meet their needs.
  6. Proximity
    • The Pyramid of Impact is vital in this stage. The bottom is always going to be those in-person interactions with your prospects and there’s nothing that can take presence over it because that is the quickest way to gaining qualified leads
    • Not only do in-person interactions build rapport, but they leads to prospects making a buying decision

But as you begin going out to prospect, you may hit that small fork in the road.

You walk into the business and every time you go to the front desk, the person at the desk doesn’t seem to have any answers.

You are asking lots of questions, doing all the steps, doing the hustle and drop bys’ to companies and you are hitting roadblock after roadblock.

You’re not alone! You’re not doing anything wrong. It’s all a part of the process and it’s to be expected.

In some instances when you approach the receptionist, you begin building the rapport and asking questions, sometimes she truly just doesn’t know the answers to your questions.

“So, what do I do when I’m trying to build prospects but I can’t seem to get past the receptionist?”

Tackle this by leading.

Instead of asking a very general question, start by asking a very specific question. You may even need to come up with variations to help the receptionist understand where it is you are coming from and who you are trying to talk to.

Begin asking these questions as you approach the receptionist

  • “Do you know who in the organization is responsible for decisions regarding sales training?”
  • “Who is the decision maker for outside vendors in your organization?”

By taking these six steps and asking these questions, you can start gaining qualified leads to grow and scale your business!

Check out this episode of Unstoppable Success Radio for more information on gaining qualified leads!

Want to learn more? Head to to learn more!

Connect with Kelly:Gaining Qualified Leads


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