


The #1 International Best Seller

Simplify your message,

magnetize your market,

and convert your prospects.

In The Live Launch Method, Kelly Roach lays out the launch strategy responsible for multimillion-dollar growth, for both her own international coaching company and for her clients across the globe.

In a world that is disconnected and transactional, this book teaches readers how to:
– Launch with scalable intimacy and intuition
– Build authority
– Engage prospects
– Convert hundreds of thousands in sales with simplicity, grace and ease



The #1 International

Best-Seller on 9 principles

for unlimited success.

UNSTOPPABLE takes the most valuable lessons and top commonalities from how to succeed and lays out the nine principles for unlimited success…in both business and in life. Proven by author Kelly Roach’s award-winning career in corporate settings and as an entrepreneur, Unstoppable is set to inspire everyone from the new entrepreneur to the seasoned CEO.

In this much anticipated book, Kelly Roach breaks down the top lessons she’s learned throughout her award-winning career, blended together with lessons from some of the top industry leaders in the world today in a way that’s easy to understand and motivating. From NFL cheerleader to million-dollar business mogul, internationally acclaimed entrepreneur, business coach, and rapid results expert Kelly knows firsthand what it takes to become unstoppable.








An entrepreneur's playbook

for building a team and

taking it from 0 to hero

Bigger Than YOU is the entrepreneur’s playbook to building an UNSTOPPABLE team. This book breaks down each of the simple steps and proven strategies to take your team from 0 to hero and is relevant for business owners at any age or stage that want to improve the profitability and performance of their team. If you are a small business owner or entrepreneur that is burnt out, exhausted, stretched too thin trying to do it all….this is for you.

The #biggerthanyou movement was designed to help entrepreneurs understand how to create leverage and scale in their business by building a winning team. In the book, Kelly Roach teaches you a systematic way to create a championship team invested, capable and competent to help you achieve your big mission, vision and goals. If you lead people and want to produce more profit with and through them, then this is your solution.