Today is a big day for us here at Kelly Roach Coaching: we are honored to announce that we’ve made the Inc 5000 list of fastest growing private companies in the US.
As I reflect on 10 years of the business building journey, I can’t help but feel immense gratitude for my clients, my team, my family, and every single consumer of our content in the online space – it’s because of you all that we are here today celebrating this incredible achievement as a company.
I wanted to share three things that played a major role in our ability to achieve this prestigious recognition, and what I feel have been the most critical drivers of our success on our path from 6 to 7 to 8-figures, and what will take us to 9. These are things that’ll be helpful for all of you reading who are charting the course from 0 to $1M and beyond in your own business.
#1: Category Ownership.
Many business owners are constantly chasing “the next best thing,” but what they don’t realize is: these bright, shiny objects end up diluting their focus and energy more than they contribute to their long-term growth. They’re constantly changing their avatar, shifting their messaging, looking for the hottest new strategies, platforms or trends. And they’re pulled in so many different directions, that they never really take the time to create mastery. And, I think that our focus on mastery has been one of the things that has really strengthened our organization, because when you’re consistent about what you want to be known for in your space, how you help people, and who you help: you remove the barriers, distractions and dilutions and you truly position yourself as the KNOWN solution for that “one thing.”
For us, that “one thing” was The Live Launch Method
We believe that in order to scale your business, you need to have a mechanism to sell one to many. You also need to master the ability to sell on camera, deliver compelling content that converts , and create predictability in recurring revenue. The Live Launch is our mechanism.
We have been using and teaching The Live Launch Method as our core sales strategy for shifting from 1:1 to enrolling clients in high volume with ease. But not only is Live Launch an incredibly effective sales tool, it’s a branding tool first and foremost. Why?
Because it forces you to get dialed in on your messaging, provide value and transformation for your audience, and get aligned with who you serve and the results you can provide.
We have been unbelievably consistent in delivering this strategy to our audience in the format of free workshops, a best selling book, and a core component of our coaching programs for about 4-5 years now. Even now, we are doubling down on how we bring Live Launch to the market and offering our audience valuable insight on how it’s changed, how to continue leveraging The Live Launch for 6 and 7-figure breakthroughs in your business, and how to adapt it in 2022 and beyond.
Our ongoing dedication to mastering The Live Launch so that we can teach others how to leverage it for 6 and 7-figure success, combined with frequency and repetition (remember: people need to hear your message 7 times before they take action!) we have been able to create category ownership in the online launching space – particularly among female entrepreneurs.
So: the question you have to ask yourself is: what is your Live Launch equivalent? What is THE thing that’s going to help you build category ownership as a business owner? What is the thing that you’re going to be so unbelievably consistent with, that you can become the go-to in your space for?
Commit to mastery of that thing, go all in, and watch as your brand rises to the top.
#2: A winning team.
If you are focused on creating the next big breakthrough in your company: whether it’s hitting your first 6-figures or creating industry leadership and scaling a multi-million dollar company, you must remember: there needs to be a marriage between a strong front-end sales and marketing strategy, and operational excellence and well-defined systems.
Yes, you need to be able to provide over-the-top value that brings new leads into your ecosystem and converts them, but you also need to be able to sustain that scale on the back-end. While for us, The Live Launch has been our number one growth catalyst: behind it is a winning team.. Aligning our staff to sustain that scale by having producers, managers, and executive leaders in place who work together to achieve the vision and take our company to the next level has been critical to our success. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to continue enrolling new clients and serving at the highest level.
We have been unbelievably focused on building a winning team for about 9 years now, and over the last two, have been focused on really transitioning from hiring employees to building leadership within our company.
The transition from getting our “field players” on board (our production-level team members) to building executive leadership, VP and middle-management team members, was a long and grueling process that took an extreme amount of perseverance. We had to go through a handful of mishires before we got the right people on board.
But now, without a doubt, I can say that we have the dream team in place to be able to chart the course to 9-figures.
In the process, you will make mistakes. You will fail. You will have to shift strategies and course correct. You will hire, and fire, and go through the wrong ones before the right ones come on board. But, when you can place an immense amount of dedication on building the right team you will eventually link arms with the right people who are aligned with your mission, vision and values as a CEO, as well as the right work ethic and skillset required. And, I’m so thankful for every single team member who believes in the journey and the role we play in the entrepreneurial space, because it’s not always an easy one.
One of the most rewarding things in the world is to be able to say that through all the trial and error, the mistakes, the failings, the learnings…we’ve come full circle with the right people, systems and structures in place and we did it. Let this be a reminder for those of you who are dedicated and focused on creating industry leadership: it’s all about who, not how.
#3: Sharing the vision.
One of the greatest leadership lessons of my career has been the importance of casting your vision and sharing it with those who you want to be part of the process of bringing it to life.
So many times, business owners write down their big dreams in a journal, paste them to a vision board, say their mantras out loud in the morning: but they aren’t actually sharing it out on a daily basis and communicating how that vision is going to help others make their dreams come true in the process. I think one of the big reasons why people end up leaving companies is because they aren’t connected to that bigger vision, or simply don’t see themselves as part of it. They can’t connect the dots between the company’s goals and how achieving those goals will help them in turn achieve what matters most to them.
Vision casting is something that must happen across the company constantly – not once a month, or even every few weeks. It needs to be part of every single conversation you have with your team.
It is your responsibility as a leader to inspire your team to take action, and be able to translate what’s in it for them, ultimately creating a win-win for the both of you.
Connecting the dots between your teams’ personal goals and how achieving the company goals are going to make them happen is critical, because at the end of the day, it’s the team that’s behind the dream (remember: who, not how).
A motivated team with complete clarity around the vision of the company not only translates into their own dreams coming true (personally and professionally), but it also translates to satisfied customers.
We take our role in the coaching and consulting space very seriously, and I want to thank everyone who has been a part of the journey with us – it’s because of you that we have been able to achieve this success and recognition. To my team, and to my clients: thank you.
What’s next for us at Kelly Roach Coaching?
Our mission and objective is to keep learning, evolving, and disrupting the online business and leadership education space. To continue delivering solutions that support, serve, and elevate business owners and high performers across the globe. I’m honored to be able to have this conversation today, grateful to have achieved this significant milestone, and excited to become even bigger and better as we help more and more individuals achieve what matters most to them – in business and life.
To keep up with us, make sure to follow over at @kellyroachofficial on IG and subscribe to The Kelly Roach Show podcast for business, leadership and life lessons in 20 minutes or less.