3 Keys Things That Will Make Your Business Infinitely LESS STRESSFUL And MORE PROFITABLE In 2019

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/kellyroach/USR_445_Profits_2019_mixdown.mp3″ title=”USR 445: 3 Keys Things That Will Make Your Business Infinitely LESS STRESSFUL And MORE PROFITABLE In 2019″ ]


3. 2. 1. HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Today is the day! Once that clock hits midnight, a new year is finally among us. We have been talking so much about what you can do to make 2019 your year and today is day one of that plan.


This episode is for EVERYONE no matter the size of your business. If you are under the 100k mark, this path will make scaling your business easier, faster and 10X more profitable. If you are over the million dollar mark or running a Fortune 500 company, this episode is a great reminder to really lean on those basic essentials that will guarantee you more money.  


In this episode I am breaking down three key items you can implement to make your business less stressful and more profitable in 2019. These are what every business owner needs to be doing to no matter the industry or company.



It’s time to ring in the new year! How are you going to make 2019 your breakout year? Drop me a message on Instagram!


(2:25) “The really interesting thing about human needs is that most of them are recurring. Most human needs are recurring.”


(4:40) “Everyone is having to work harder because of the increase volume and competition in any space. It is now more critical than ever, that you are able to retain, resign, upgrade and gain referrals from your own customers”


(15:01) “I always say there are the Walmarts and then there are the Nordstroms, where do you want your business to be?”


Connect with Kelly:





**I have open slots for FREE 30 minute strategy sessions on my calendar for business owners who are looking to take their business online and optimize their results. Interested? Apply at www.www.thebusinessadvisory.com/start **


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Here’s how I can help you achieve your goals:

How to build, scale and automate growth in your business:www.thebusinessadvisory.com/yes

-Take your hobby, side hustle or new business quickly to the 100k mark: www.thebusinessadvisory.com/100k

-Turbo charge your productivity, breakthrough overwhelm and the impact the profit in your business in 30 day or less www.thebusinessadvisory.com/higher-profits/

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