New Clients, Even Faster!

11892039_797267933719609_5223023021439915659_n-300x224How can you quickly and easily get new clients on the books to drive the income growth you want and need?

Today’s simple post is a quick start action plan to get you going. Ready?

  1. Spend time selling and marketing daily. It’s so simple it seems silly but the reason most businesses struggle to keep adding new clients is that they don’t actually spend time on a daily basis connecting with their target market in a compelling way.

Start by spending an hour a day making phone calls, sending emails and following up on leads to turn them into paying clients.

  • Start with reactivating past clients, reaching out to warm leads and connecting with individuals who you have been cultivating a relationship with over time
  • If you manage a sales team or have employees in roles responsible for these activities inspect what you expect. You will probably be shocked at what isn’t happening. It will become very clear, very quickly what changes need to occur to get the results you want.
  • Live by the rule: “What you measure gets done.” It’s truer that you will ever know.

2. Manage your sales process through a pipeline. Each step you take a prospect through should be a step on the way to your prospect making a purchase and becoming a new client. Whether consciously or subconsciously we all go through a cycle of awareness, know, like, trust, and then buy. This means that if you are constantly focused on adding new prospects to your list, but not on nurturing and moving warm leads through the buying cycle you will likely have random, sporadic success.

  • Most people selling a product or service never follow-up more than once and the problem with this is that most purchases happen between the 8th and 12th touch.
  • To rapidly separate yourself from the pack simply FOLLOW-UP! Your results will BOOM!
  • The fastest, easiest, surefire route to closing your next few clients will always be through past clients, warm leads and those you have been cultivating a relationship with over time.

3. Get in front of your target market as an expert every week. Don’t get lost in a crowded marketplace; get ahead of the pack by positioning yourself as a leader, expert, and speaker in your niche. Focus on capturing your prospects information not just giving them yours. Schedule public engagements, guest appearances on webinars, radio shows, blog radio shows, etc.

  • Even if you are new to speaking or PR you can easily position yourself as an expert and cultivate relationships with potential new clients online by answering questions, and giving helpful tips and guidance on an online forum or special interest group.
  • By offering information to someone on a topic related to your field, you automatically position yourself as a possible solution to problems they are experiencing or challenges they are trying to overcome.

4. Referrals, referrals, referrals! Many businesses are built on a strong referral program executed well over time. Make this a part of your ongoing business regime. Remember, doing anything once isn’t going to get you very far. You need to commit to a systematic, ongoing program. It goes without saying, your service or product needs to deliver consistent, stellar results in order to continue generating referrals.

  • Remember to ask for referrals in a variety of different ways and always ask more than once. Send letters, offer incentives, make phone calls, send emails, and mention it in your newsletter.

In order to bring in the new clients you desire, you need to
put the focus back on the basics.

As with anything in your business you need to execute consistently and with intention to net the results you desire. Executing number one alone is 90% of the battle. The biggest gap I see working with entrepreneurs and small business owners is that they are not spending time on profit generating activities whether related to personal production or staff management.

Does your company or team need a sales overhaul? Schedule a consultation to discuss how to springboard your 2014 growth and FINALLY achieve the breakthrough (and new clients) you desire!