How to Automate Real Results in Social Media with Jen Lehner

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Jen Lehner has always been fascinated by technology and the power it holds.

Jen began her career working in the nonprofit sector, which taught her to be resourceful in marketing. She launched a local marketing firm to help businesses learn to use digital tools to grow their businesses and saw first hand the high demand for this type of training.

Jen created and now sells her courses that teach entrepreneurs how to use social media and digital tools to grow their business. She is a new course author with LinkedIn’s company, Lynda and the founder of the Front Row, an online classroom and community of like-minded entrepreneurs full of encouragement and education.

Jen puts it as, “How can you squander one more day without taking advantage of the greatest shifts of our generation? How dare you settle for less when the world has made it so easy for you to be remarkable.”


You will learn:
– How to overcome the top trends that prevent entrepreneurs from cashing in on social media
– A 30 minute a day plan (jam packed with concrete tips!) for leveraging Twitter to grow your business
– How to implement Twitter Lead Cards
– To take advantage of targeted engagement to boost your online following

Jen brings it this week by sharing her extensive knowledge of the social media world. If you are struggling to formulate a plan that will pay off in the end, she simplifies the process and breaks it down to the most effective ways to grow your business. Jen automates real results and gets real returns by taking advantage of any social media platform.

Connect with Jen: Sign up to get on the launch email list for Jen’s social media summer camp to gain lifetime access to her incredible program that will teach you how to grow your businesses step by step without any of that overwhelm.


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