5 Ways To Fill Your Calendar With Hot Prospects Ready To Buy

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/kellyroach/USR_294_Prospects_mixdown.mp3″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 294 Prospects mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]


“Sometimes the simplest solution is often the best one”


I said it once and I’ll say it again, simplicity is KEY. This year I found myself trapped using a complicated approach to sales and success than necessary. So I railed it back, and implemented a strategy I haven’t used in a while– 30 minute strategy sessions. It’s simple, straightforward, and the easiest way to get prospects on your calendar


Sometimes we get so caught up in the business and the work, that we forget what’s right in front of us. For us that was the strategy sessions. We were so focused on trying to find other ways to utilize OTHER strategies, we left this one behind.


Sometimes we need to go back to the basics, rework some things, and try it in a new way. Strategy sessions are just one of the many ways you can get quality leads on your calendar ready to buy—listen to the rest of the episode for more!


(1:03) “Sometimes you put so much time and energy into audimation and level 2 and level 3 strategies that you are trying to employ but you forget about the simple solutions right in front of your face”


(4:25) “Your busy being busy and doing the work you miss the things that are right in front of you. We never stopped focusing on that strategy because it didn’t work, we were just looking for more leveraged techniques to gain sales”


(14:45) “Remeber, where there is a will there is ALWAYS a way and there is absolutely no harm that can be done in having more conversations between your company and your target market with qualified leads who want to learn how you can help them”


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