5 Steps To Transform Your Team From An Expense To An Investment For Your Business

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/kellyroach/USR_300_Transform_Your_Team_mixdown.mp3″ artist=”Kelly Roach” title=”USR 300 Transform Your Team mixdown” download=”true” social=”true”]

What is the fastest way to grow your business and gain success?

Hiring a winning team! The people you surround yourself with determine the level of success your company is going to achieve.


Getting help in your business at all levels is the most important jobs you have as the CEO of your company. In many situations, however, the employees or contractors that are hired are actually costing you money instead of earning it for you. It’s giving hiring in the small business world a bad name.


It’s the dilemma ALL business owners have. How do we grow fast enough to afford to get help… but how do we make sure that help is making us money and not costing us money? We are breaking down 5 steps on how to transform your team from an expense to an investment!



(3:20) “Hiring is very similar to dating. A lot of times what you see on the first date is not what you get 3 months, 6 months, a year later. The very same goes with the hiring process. Which means that, when you are thinking about going through the hiring process and building a winning team for yourself, go into the mindset understanding you will probably go through 3 or even 4 people before you find the ‘one’. “


(7:15) “When you are assigning the task to the individuals that work for you, that are being brought on to help you in any area of the business, be very clear and specific about exactly how much time you want allocated to those tasks. Be very very clear.”


(11:37) “Mindset is the number one thing. I always say it: mindset comes before mechanics. You can send someone off firing and doing tactical tasks, from day one hour one. But if they don’t understand the connection to the result they are trying to get, you are not going to be happy with their performance.”


If you are inspired and are ready to make the next steps in building that winning team, text the word BIGROI to 44222 – we’ve got plenty of leadership and team development resources to help you out.


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