In today’s feature article, I will share 10 reasons you can’t or maybe haven’t added an extra 10k to your monthly income. (YET)
There are lots of excuses, but no good excuse…
Here are some of them:
1. You want your situation to change but you aren’t willing to take the steps that are required to proactively change it
2. You are not sure how to, but you aren’t willing to invest the time to find out how easy an extra 10k can be
3. There isn’t enough time in the day, despite the simple fact that we all have the same 24 hours and we all have a choice about how to spend that time
4. You don’t have the money to get it off the ground, even though there are many low/no cost ways to promote and grow your business online
5. Your not Internet savvy enough (me neither) but, where there is a will there is a way. What about your kids and grand kids?
6. You can’t quit your day job. You don’t have to!
7. You don’t know what to sell or what service to provide. Pick a challenge, annoyance or grievance that you once had and solved for yourself and go solve it for other people. What do all your friends and family already come to you for?
8. Fear of failure…the worst thing that can happen is that your situation stays the same
9. Too tired? You are not going to get less tired by continuing to live life unfulfilled, not earning your potential and letting your dreams fall by the wayside.
So that only leaves the unthinkable…
10. You are not willing to do the work.
Now, I know this can’t be the case. I refuse to believe that if you were given the tools, resources, education and information to add an extra $10,000 to your income every month that you would not be willing to take action and get the job done!
An extra 10k sounds amazing and potentially terrifying.
You don’t have to reach for it blindly or alone.
That is why I am offering you a FREE Strategy Session to go over a 10 step plan to launch a second stream of income (again, I’m talking 10k!) FAST-even if you work full time!
- Does it require work? Yes!
- Will you need to step out of your comfort zone? Yes!
- Will you need to stop dreaming of a better life and get down to business creating it? Yes!
I have a feeling that you are ready.
Ready for FREEDOM!
Am I right?
How would your life change if you added an extra 10k to your monthly income?
What might be possible for you and your family if you stepped out of your comfort zone to start or grow your business to make this happen?
Simply email and a member of my team will get us scheduled to chat!
Dream Big. Take Action. Make it Happen.